Frequently Asked Questions

Question Answer
What is a hackathon? A hackathon is an event where people come together to solve problems through coding and collaboration, usually in a competitive setting. Hackathons are really great experience for you, and many colleges look for hackathon experience on your CV.
What if I have never been to a hackathon before? No problem! This Hackathon is open to beginners, and you’ll have plenty of support from mentors and teammates to help you through the process. Volunteers and Organisers are more than happy to help.
Where is this event? The event will take place at Wesgreen International School, Sharjah, Muwailah.
How much does it cost to join? The event is free of charge for all participants. You will be supplied with snacks and drinks, but you are required to bring your own tools - Bringing money is advised as 3rd party food trucks may be supplied.
Will it be in-person or digital? The hackathon will be an in-person event. This is not an offline or hybrid competition.
How do I apply? Simply apply by clicking here.
Will there be food at the event? Yes, food and food trucks will be available at the event.
How many people can be in a team? Each team can have a maximum of 4 students per team and a minimum of 1. Priority do go to GEMS schools, but anyone can join
What programming languages are allowed? Any language is allowed if it can fit unto the theme of the competition, However Block-Based languages are not allowed
Will there be any prizes or awards given out? Yes, there will be prizes for the winning projects. Check out the rules here
Can I work remotely during the hackathon? We plan to make this event fully hands-on and to ensure you can get the full experience, Remote-Participation is not allowed
Is there a time limit for the event? Yes, you can check out the timetable here.
Will there be any judges or mentors available during the hackathon? Yes, volunteers will be available throughout the event to guide and mentor participants, For help in programming, some volunteers and organisers may help you. For the volunteer list you may find them here.

Any more questions? . We will attempt to respond within 24 hours.